My Blog

Welcome to the official blog of Ron Blumenfeld. Be sure to buy my new book, The King’s Anatomist and check out my other writings!

Happy Birthday to The King’s Anatomist

Happy Birthday to The King’s Anatomist

October 12, 2021 marked the official launch of The King’s Anatomist into the literary world – a very big and crowded world, as it turns out. Estimates vary for many reasons, but if that day was a typical one in the publishing industry, about 2,000 American titles –...

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Galen – Wrong, But Still Awesome

Galen – Wrong, But Still Awesome

Contemporary medical scientists and practitioners have a deep understanding of human structure and function – from the organs and tissues under the skin to the multitude of cells of which they are built. We’ve delved deeper into the structures and biochemical...

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The James Webb Space Telescope: I’m Blown Away

The James Webb Space Telescope: I’m Blown Away

This December 25 past, at 7:20 AM Eastern Time, an international team of scientists gave humanity a gift that Santa couldn’t dream of equaling in a thousand Christmases. Carefully packaged atop a European Ariane 5 rocket, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) shot...

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Why Aren’t Most Novels Illustrated?

Why Aren’t Most Novels Illustrated?

These days, illustrated novels are hard to come by, continuing a hundred-year trend. In the early 20th century, novelists began to feel that their prose did not require any help from pictures. And observers of the current literary scene feel that visual media –...

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