My Blog

Welcome to the official blog of Ron Blumenfeld. Be sure to buy my new book, The King’s Anatomist and check out my other writings!

Sometimes You Can Tell a Book by Its Cover

Sometimes You Can Tell a Book by Its Cover

For the past 64 springs, book dealers from around the world set up shop at the New York International Antiquarian Book Fair to exhibit their very best stuff. What kind of stuff? As the Book Fair informs us, “rare books, maps, illuminated manuscripts, fine bindings,...

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How I Fixed My Image Problem

How I Fixed My Image Problem

Thanks to a company called PicRights, International, I discovered I had an image problem. I didn’t go looking for PicRights, International – they came looking for me. PicRights, you see, “provides licensing compliance services to third-party content owners.”...

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Vesalius Fans Reconvene – This Time in Antwerp

Vesalius Fans Reconvene – This Time in Antwerp

2014 was a big year for Andreas Vesalius. It was the great anatomist’s 500th birthday – a great milestone if your name is still spoken after five centuries. Devoted Vesalius fans could not let that year pass without gathering on the Greek island of Zakynthos, where he...

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Oy! Jewish Medical Students in Renaissance Italy

Oy! Jewish Medical Students in Renaissance Italy

The year 2022 marked the 800th anniversary of the founding of the University of Padua, one of the oldest universities in the world. The celebration included an exhibition done in conjunction with the Jewish Heritage Museum of Padua that offered a fascinating glimpse...

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The Deep Meaning of Listerine

The Deep Meaning of Listerine

Consumer products come and go. Some exist only for the few weeks before a holiday; others hang around for years, even decades. But others approach immortality, still going strong after a century or more in the marketplace. To name a few: Clorox (1913); Ex-Lax (1906);...

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